Publications 2006

Abgrall S, Yeni PG, Bouchaud O, Costagliola D, Clinical Epidemiology Group from the French Hospital Database on HIV. Switch from a first virologically effective protease inhibitor-containing regimen to a regimen containing efavirenz, nevirapine or abacavir. AIDS. 24 oct 2006;20(16):2099‑106. Disponible sur:

Antiretroviral Therapy Cohort Collaboration. Rates of disease progression according to initial highly active antiretroviral therapy regimen: a collaborative analysis of 12 prospective cohort studies. J Infect Dis. 1 sept 2006;194(5):612‑22. Disponible sur:

Braitstein P, Brinkhof MWG, Dabis F, Schechter M, Boulle A, Miotti P, et al. Mortality of HIV-1-infected patients in the first year of antiretroviral therapy: comparison between low-income and high-income countries. Lancet (London, England). 11 mars 2006;367(9513):817‑24. Disponible sur:

Fardet L, Mary-Krause M, Heard I, Partisani M, Costagliola D, French Hospital Database on HIV. Influence of gender and HIV transmission group on initial highly active antiretroviral therapy prescription and treatment response. HIV Med. nov 2006;7(8):520‑9. Disponible sur:

Fontaine C, Bonnard P, Mary-Krause M, Callard P, Pialoux G. Pulmonary pneumocystosis in a patient with greater than 500 CD4 cells/microl: a role for IL-2 therapy? AIDS. 1 août 2006;20(12):1680‑1. Disponible sur:

Grabar S, Abraham B, Mahamat A, Del Giudice P, Rosenthal E, Costagliola D. Differential impact of combination antiretroviral therapy in preventing Kaposi’s sarcoma with and without visceral involvement. J Clin Oncol. 20 juill 2006;24(21):3408‑14. Disponible sur:

Grabar S, Weiss L, Costagliola D. HIV infection in older patients in the HAART era. J Antimicrob Chemother. janv 2006;57(1):4‑7. Disponible sur:

Hernán MA, Lanoy E, Costagliola D, Robins JM. Comparison of dynamic treatment regimes via inverse probability weighting. Basic Clin Pharmacol Toxicol. mars 2006;98(3):237‑42. Disponible sur:

Lanoy E, Mary-Krause M, Tattevin P, Dray-Spira R, Duvivier C, Fischer P, et al. Predictors identified for losses to follow-up among HIV-seropositive patients. J Clin Epidemiol. août 2006;59(8):829‑35. Disponible sur:

Lewden C, Jougla E, Alioum A, Pavillon G, Lièvre L, Morlat P, et al. Number of deaths among HIV-infected adults in France in 2000, three-source capture-recapture estimation. Epidemiol Infect. déc 2006;134(6):1345‑52. Disponible sur:

Lievre L, Deveau C, Gerbe J, Enel P, Tran L, De Castro N, et al. Yearly number of patients diagnosed with primary HIV-1 infection in France estimated by a capture-recapture approach. AIDS. 28 nov 2006;20(18):2392‑5. Disponible sur:

Mary-Krause M, Billaud E, Poizot-Martin I, Simon A, Dhiver C, Dupont C, et al. Risk factors for osteonecrosis in HIV-infected patients: impact of treatment with combination antiretroviral therapy. AIDS. 1 août 2006;20(12):1627‑35. Disponible sur:

May MT, Sterne JAC, Costagliola D, Sabin CA, Phillips AN, Justice AC, et al. HIV treatment response and prognosis in Europe and North America in the first decade of highly active antiretroviral therapy: a collaborative analysis. Lancet (London, England). 5 août 2006;368(9534):451‑8. Disponible sur: