Publications 2020

Besson C, Noel N, Lancar R, Prevot S, Algarte-Genin M, Rosenthal E, et al. Hepatitis C virus or hepatitis B virus coinfection and lymphoma risk in people living with HIV. AIDS. 15 mars 2020;34(4):599‑608. Disponible sur:

Caby F, Guiguet M, Weiss L, Winston A, Miro JM, Konopnicki D, et al. CD4/CD8 Ratio and the Risk of Kaposi Sarcoma or Non-Hodgkin Lymphoma in the Context of Efficiently Treated Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV) Infection: A Collaborative Analysis of 20 European Cohort Studies. Clin Infect Dis. 4 août 2020;27. Disponible sur:

Costagliola D, Potard V, Lang S, de Castro N, Cotte L, Duval X, et al. Is the Risk of Myocardial Infarction in People With Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV) Associated With Atazanavir or Darunavir? A Nested Case-Control Study Within the French Hospital Database on HIV. J Infect Dis. 3 févr 2020;221(4):516‑22. Disponible sur:

Late Presentation Working Groups in EuroSIDA and COHERE. Estimating the burden of HIV late presentation and its attributable morbidity and mortality across Europe 2010-2016. BMC Infect Dis. 7 oct 2020;20(1):728. Disponible sur:

Makinson A, Tron L, Grabar S, Milleron B, Reynes J, Le Moing V, et al. Potential lung cancer screening outcomes using different age and smoking thresholds in the ANRS-CO4 French Hospital Database on HIV cohort. HIV Med. 1 mars 2020;21(3):180‑8. Disponible sur:

Melliez H, Mary-Krause M, Guiguet M, Carrieri P, Abgrall S, Enel P, et al. Risk of Severe Bacterial Infection in People Living Human Immunodeficiency Virus Infection in the Combined Antiretroviral Therapy Era. J Infect Dis. 4 sept 2020;222(5):765‑76. Disponible sur:

Rohner E, Bütikofer L, Schmidlin K, Sengayi M, Maskew M, Giddy J, et al. Cervical cancer risk in women living with HIV across four continents: A multicohort study. Int J cancer. 2020;146(3):601‑9. Disponible sur:

Trickey A, May MT, Gill MJ, Grabar S, Vehreschild J, Wit FWNM, et al. Cause-specific mortality after diagnosis of cancer among HIV-positive patients: A collaborative analysis of cohort studies. Int J cancer. 1 juin 2020;146(11):3134‑46. Disponible sur:

Vourli G, Noori T, Pharris A, Porter K, Axelsson M, Begovac J, et al. Human Immunodeficiency Virus Continuum of Care in 11 European Union Countries at the End of 2016 Overall and by Key Population: Have We Made Progress? Clin Infect Dis. 31 déc 2020;71(11):2905‑16. Disponible sur: